Introducing The Root Wilde

Oct 3, 2020 | Featured

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet! I’ve always wanted to start a blog, and I am super excited that I finally put the pedal to the metal and made it happen. (HUGE thank you to Marci at Dragonfly Ave—she made this beautiful website and without her I would still be twiddling my thumbs, stressing about HTML!) 

Part of why I’ve always wanted to start a blog is because I’ve always been a writer, in some way, shape, or form. I started journaling pretty much from the time I could read and write, which turned into “journaling” publicly on MySpace to my 100 followers (HA, anyone else?), to wanting to become an author and write books. But early on in my teenage years, those dreams of taking up writing as a profession started to fade as I learned time and time again that writing wasn’t deemed a very “serious” career. That it was really hard to “make it” as a writer or artist of any form, and to focus on my academics so I could go into a more practical field. I’m sure many of you had this type of thinking shoved down your throats as well. 

BUT, I still loved to write, so when I got to college I ditched psychology as my major after the first semester and figured journalism was a more practical writing career. I went so far as to get a master’s degree in it, only to realize shortly before graduation that I did not want to travel to the Arctic and report on climate change anymore. I was burnt out after 7 years of deadlines, articles, interviewing, meeting my word count, and the general public’s negative perception of mainstream media. So I went into marketing and figured it was a good enough use of my degrees.

Well, turns out I don’t love marketing either! So here I am, back to square one. I just want to WRITE. And not even necessarily for money. To be honest, I literally just have a lot of thoughts and I want to get them out there. A lot of these thoughts are just for me, but also sometimes I have ruminations that I think might be useful or thought-provoking for others, and that’s what this blog is for. I’ve come to realize in the last couple of years that I’m at a very different place in life than many of the people in my immediate circle, which has been hard for me but also pushed me to start this blog as well. Because I know there are other 30-ish women out there who are steeped in family life and looking for companionship, because this shit is really hard to go through alone. It’s hard stepping into motherhood, even if you’re someone who’s always wanted to be a mother (not my case). Adapting a new identity is hard shit. So, I am here to relate to you and share my experience. Maybe, at the very least, we’ll have some things in common.

The Root Wilde is about life, motherhood, spirituality, health and wellness, and the joys and struggles of parenting (because let’s just be honest, it is a joy and a struggle). If you’re into being real about parenthood and being a mom, this space is for you. If you’re interested in self-care, how to prioritize your health and live a balanced life even while taking care of your kids and family, this space is also for you. If you’re someone who pulls tarot cards, journals, dives into astrology and loves witchy shit, welcome! This space is for you. If you’re not into any of what I just mentioned, why are you still reading? Lol just kidding. But really, all of the above is what I’ll be covering on this blog, and I’d love for you to follow along. I’ll try to post at least once a week, if not more, and every month I’m sending out a short love letter to you along with some tidbits I’m enjoying, like book and movie recs, parenting hacks I’ve recently learned, articles I’ve come across, etc. (you can subscribe using the form at the bottom of this page!)

If you’re interested in learning more about me and how I became a mother, check this page out. You can also share your thoughts with me here.

Love & sisterhood,








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